1961 at the barber´s.

It’s 1961. I’m less than ten years old. I need a haircut. Something that I am not really looking forward to, but… at the barber´s, in the magazine rack, there is a thick stack of Panorama´s.kurt-art-panorama

For me it can not last long enough until it is my turn. I handpick all editions whose covers are painted by Kurt Art. I can sit for hours examining in amazement. The images look like photographs but if you look closely you see that they are painted; illustrations! I have the idea that I am the only one who get that message, and in a strange way I feel that these covers are painted only for me. I am not even 10 years old…

It would be an exaggeration to say that this experience made me choose to become an illustrator or even an artist, but now, when I think back, I clearly rememberer that moment of sparkling light. A scintilla that would kindle a never-dying fire.

The Dover Coach by Norman Rockwell
The Dover Coach by Norman Rockwell

Of course by that time I never had heard of Norman Rockwell nor The Saturday Evening Post. That all came much later.

In 1987, in New York, having lunch with two fellow illustrators at the restaurant of the Society of illustrators, I was seated right under the large painting The Dover Coach of Norman Rockwell. In this restaurant you could not come in, if you were´nt invited by one of its members. I found myself inside that particular world that I began to dream of as a child, at the hairdressers in the early sixties.

A commissioned portrait

Work in progress.

In this short video I put together a few shots of the stages of the painting process.

The portrait will be delivered soon, as well as the portrait that you see behind the easel  on the wall. That is a gift to Rob Kietselaer, who is playing his beautiful compositions in some of my video´s.

Next week I return to Burgundy, France where students will be waiting for my portrait painting courses. Old and new faces again and this time very international. I will have to speak four languages interchangeably. I am looking forward to start again!

About mistakes in painting

In addition to my previous post. I can tell you about mistakes in painting because all of them I made myself. I have been there also. Here some more reflections:

Through willpower alone you don´t make a good painting. The extent of relax is fundamental. Enjoy the journey: traveling is better than arriving.

Make a painting primarily for yourself. Don´t think about what others will say. That makes you afraid of making mistakes and this fear is a handbrake on your progress!

I often think of what Ned Jacob said: I want to continue growing. It´s false security to win success.