Portrait painting from life.


Luis. 55 x 55 cm. oil on canvas
Luis. 55 x 55 cm. Oil on canvas.

For this demonstration, I used my customary, extensive palette of 16 colours. I premixed a limited number of flesh-tones. Three for the light parts, one for the shadow, three neutral grays and a mauve colour. Because I elaborated the drawing accurately, I could make use of the tonal values​​ of the charcoal. In the beginning I used citrus turpentine to dilute the paint. This approach enabled me to paint rather transparent to start with. In simple planes I started the painting and little by little I worked it out entirely. The whole session took seven hours over two days.


Also you see me using my home made viewer or colour checker. Make one yourself.

Drawing from live model.

Yesterday and today we did the shooting for the video “How to transfer the drawing of a portrait onto the canvas”. My friend Luis was my model and he was sitting really good. I use charcoal in order to be able making corrections during the session. I thought of finishing the video next week but I will be off to London for a portrait commission. So it will take longer.

charcoal drawing for a painting Live model drawing

How to transfer a drawing onto the canvas

I am preparing a short video in which I explain four ways to transfer a drawing of a portrait onto the canvas. Three sections are finished and tomorrow we will start the shooting for: drawing from the observation of the live model. It will take some time to finish the final editing and the voice over but within a two weeks I hope I will able to show you the result. transfer a drawing onto the canvas