Late Rembrandt in Amsterdam

Rembrandt van Rijn

Because of my short stay in the Netherlands for some portrait commissions, I had the opportunity to visit the Late Rembrandt exhibition. I got the ticket as a gift. (thank you Julie)
What can I say about the exhibition? Staggering! Rembrandt is the greatest painter Holland ever had. In his heydays he was a most appreciated and well payed artist. Because of private problems, he became impoverished, was declared bankrupt and lost everything he owned. He could not even pay his rent anymore. In Amsterdam, he was reviled. The exhibition deals with these last difficult years.

rembrandt Claudius Civillis
Claudius Civillis

Looking at one of his last commissions, Claudius Civillis I feel the anger towards the established order. Allthough the commission was acquired, it later was removed from its important place in the new town hall of Amsterdam. I see an artist experimenting his techniques and at the same  time willfully seeking for problems with his clients.

An Old Woman Reading

If I should name three highlights: the portrait of Jan Six, a Woman Bathing in a Stream and finally An Old Woman Reading.  This last painting really moved me deeply.

Mario Monreal

Mario Monreal

It is five years ago this week that our friend Mario Monreal died. Mario was a great pianist and a affectionate friend. Yesterday, on the occasion of the anniversary of his death, a concert was given in Sagunto at the Cultural Center that bears his name. One of the three performers was his widow. My contribution to the commemoration was a portrait of him – a schematic black and white picture that is used in publicity.

Mario Monreal
The schematic portrait that I made for the concert announcement.

When I think of Mario a warm summer night comes to mind when he played his grand piano. It was not a concert but one of his daily rehearsals in his music room where Helma and I happened to be quietly present. It was already dusk, the space was unlit. A balmy breeze stirred the curtains. At my request Mario played Chopin- Waltz no. 7 in C sharp minor. Magical moments and we were incredibly lucky to be part of that opportunity.

(Mario can be heard in a number of my videos.)

Mario Monreal
The portrait of Mario, on which I based the black and white version.

Me as a carpenter

ben lustenhouwer as a carpenter
carpentry kitchen
Finishing the home-made kitchen

I have told you before that, as a little child, I wanted to be a carpenter. Even though I went into art, portrait painting, the love of joinery has been a thread throughout my life and over the years I’ve done much carpentry. Now, we are finishing the house for the artist in residence rental. Much we do ourselves: electricity, water, stucco, tile work. Not because we have to but, on the contrary, because we can´t resist. In the picture you see me putting the final touches to the kitchen. With a little planing the natural-stone worktop can be installed.