About my brushes

About my brushes

At times I get a question about the best brushes to use. Although brands may differ in the whole world, the materials and shapes are the same. Today I made a short video to show once again my five favorite brushes. The last brush that I show in this video is a  fan brushI use this brush mainly for blending out strokes to avoid a nasty shine caused by cast light. There is a danger to overdo this. So be careful and don’t blend all the nice picturesque strokes that must show your handwriting.

fan brush
Fan brush

2 Replies to “About my brushes”

  1. I just have a question …..instead of taking a chance and basically wiping out some of the nicer tones and shades with the fan brush,wouldn’t it be a good idea to matte varnish after the painting is completely dry? to eliminate the shine?

    1. If you do it carefully the tones and shades stay the same. Only the ridges of the brushstrokes will disappear.

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