A great guitarist, a big hitter

Will Sophie

Two cousins in the studio
Two cousins in the studio


A month ago Will Sophie was visiting us in Spain. I’ve told you about him before. He plays guitar on some of my recent videos. We are cousins. We come from the same social background. He got into music and I started painting. Two different people with different characters. But we had things in common: we both had a dream, and we shared the inability to survive in a nine-to-five job. I did that until my early twenties, and Will not much longer. The choice for individual independence in our milieu was not very obvious. Which does not mean that our parents were not proud of what we did and achieved. On the contrary. (Behind my back my father gathered my discarded drawings and if something appeared in print he secretly made a small collection). Will has made an impressive career for himself, and I think he belongs to the Top Ten Dutch guitarists. I’m proud that he gave me permission to use his music. It adds so much luster to my videos.
Check out also his video channel.